Friday 1 February 2019

Prorogaton And Opening of Parliament And The Budget Debate

Please find below the dates for the Prorogation and the Opening of the New Session of Parliament.  Also included is the schedule for the 2019/2020 Budget Debate:

Prorogation of Parliament
February 13, 2019

Opening of New Session of Parliament and Laying of the Estimates of Expenditure
February 14, 2019

Standing Finance Committee
March 4-5, 2019

The Minister of Finance and the Public Service to open the Budget Debate
March 7, 2019

The Opposition Spokesperson on Finance
March 12, 2019

The Leader of the Opposition
March 13, 2019

The Honourable Prime Minister
March 19, 2019

The Minister of Finance and the Public Service to close the Budget Debate
March 20, 2019

The Honourable Senate to Debate the Budget
March 22, 2019

Kind regards,

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