Thursday 25 April 2019

A Fi Mi Concern - Michael Spence

"NIDS is of no legal effect". I had my doubts about it from day one as its presentation of a mandatory course that attracted criminal prosecution was not the most intelligent way forward/idiotic. The way it is all one has to do is to take out the mandatory aspect of it.

A non mandatory NIDS could work as well as the TRN becoming literally mandatory by default because it would force people to use it in all aspects of life the having it in all aspects of life.NIDS and the mandatory aspects reminded me of that apartheid system in South Africa. It could create room for a very effective Authoritarian and dictatorship regime. Can you imagine a Prime Minister head of Defence or other politician or relevant person in his bathroom on his smart phone or laptop researching the medical and financial history of attorney, doctor, taximan, journalists or inmate #368700 and plan to stunt/hinder ones progress. An excellent Judgement in my opinion, politicians cannot be trusted and Sykes leadership as Chief Justice is headed in the right direction and a breathe of fresh constitutional, justifiable and justiciable air. 

The people of Jamaica has won not Julian Robinson or the PNP alone. The JLP people included in this a national holistic win for jurisprudence in the Commonwealth.

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