Tuesday 28 May 2019

Prime Minister Holness Announces The Death of Former Prime Minister Edward Seaga

Prime Minister & Leader of the Jamaica Party, The Most Honourable Andrew Holness informed the nation a short while ago of the passing of former Prime Minister & Party Leader Edward Phillip George Seaga.

There is much to be said, much grief to be expressed, many stories to be told. There will be time for that. Details related to the celebration of Mr. Seaga’s life will be forthcoming over the next few days.

“Former Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Seaga will live on through his stellar contribution to national development that defined our nation and provided service and value; indeed a legacy for generations now and to come” said Prime Minister & Leader Andrew Holness.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness went on to say“It is with great sadness that the Jamaica Labour Party extends condolences to Mr. Seaga’s Family, Friends, and indeed the entire Jamaican Family. We ask that you remember his family at this difficult time. The Jamaica Labour Party can be assured that Mr. Seaga will be sent off commensurate with his contribution to the nation”.

We invite you to join the entire Jamaica Labour Party to offer prayers and condolences for former PM The Most Honourable Edward Seaga.

Information regarding the plans to celebrate the life of Edward Seaga will be made available to public shortly.

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