Thursday 16 January 2020

Consumer Offered Immediate Redress After Contacting Vernon Derby

Those in the private and the public sector who believe that they can continue to be arrogant and treat consumers poorly are getting a rude awakening. Companies like the Jamaica Broilers will not allow any retailer to give their product a bad name and they certainly acted quickly today. Have a look at this email from this consumer:

Dear Consumer Affairs Commission,

What a Difference a Day Makes!
I wrote to report on the good result of my letter to you yesterday which was copied to Mr Vernon Derby at AYS with Vernon of Nationwide News Network. Firstly Mr Derby did voice my concerns at the top of his programme this morning, which generated some spirited responses from concerned listeners. I am most grateful to Mr Derby for giving a voice to my challenge, and I know that the people concerned heard his voice. 

I had copied that same letter into a professional group and a colleague responded to me to say that I should expect a call from the Best Dressed Chicken - she mentioned the situation to a manager there. One of their managers called me within a few minutes from abroad. She apologised profusely on behalf of The Supermarket for the poor customer service, since this was not their modus operandi. She said that the Best Dressed Chicken was mentioned several times in my email, it was their branding on the picture I sent, and the minute that I put the Best Dressed out there she would have to jump in. She said that I was the first customer that did not reach out to the Best Dressed Chicken first.  
Her customer service manager will be sending a driver to me tomorrow to collect the product and to investigate the cold chain. She will be sending her quality team to the supermarket to investigate storage. If the storage there is not optimal, they will not send their product there. 
I will be getting a full refund of my money from Best Dressed Chicken tomorrow, plus a customer basket with Best Dressed products.

The manager from The Supermarket called me and apologised about her response to me last night. She was very very sorry. She also offered me a full refund of my money. I accepted her apology, and told her that Best Dressed was dealing with the refund. The proprietor called me afterwards and unreservedly, sincerely apologised. 

I will therefore not require the help of Consumer Affairs Commission with this matter. 
Sincere thanks to Mr Vernon Derby of At Your Service!

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