Friday 28 February 2020

Trust - Hopeton Dennie (Poet and satirist)


When placed in a position of trust
We must have one focus ..
To protect our integrity ...
By focussing on transparency ...

Trust is a must ...
If we ever wish to be  ever seen as robust
Be courting openness ..
Which guarantees true success

There has to be transparency ...
And no other dubiously adopted policy ...
Trust has proven to be related to power ...
As fish is to water

Power is known to be weilded corruptly ...
As absolute power corrupts absolutely

There can be the power of choice
Which gives them a powerful voice
When too many win our confidence ultimately ...
Their true colours are exposed subsequently ...
We tend to allow them to operate somewhat independently ...
This oftentimes leads to their downfall ...
By uncaring acts which can appall.

They may even  refuse to consult ...
Which ultimately could be deemed an insult.
They may even manufacture excuses
Trying to mask possible abuses

Such conduct can leave a bitter taste
Causing the powerful to fall from Grace ...
And unfortunately may be also disgrace ...
Alas!  Even flat on their face ...

Is Spencer, Reid, Wheatley et al cases in point ...
To Whom high offices the PM did appoint
Acted corruptly in once in place ...
And eventually fell in distaste?

Let us tread the road to power cautiously ...
So in the end we will be viewed admirably
And be regarded as having acted trustworthily....


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