Tuesday 19 May 2020

Remembering 153 Women Burnt In Eventide Home FIre

Today 40 years ago in 1980, May 20, over 153 women lost their lives in a terrible furnace referred to as the Eventide home fire. One can only imagine the pain and agony these women who lived on the Myers Ward must have gone through during those last horrendous minutes. The fires of hell could not be worse. These old and feeble ladies who could not flee to safety. These were the darkest days in the history of this country. It’s the year when there was serious political violence when approximately 800 persons also lost their lives.

Today we remember the lives of those ladies and we pray that if any person or persons were responsible for their deaths, that they be forgiven and the blot be removed from the history of this nation. May one day we seek forgiveness and we have true reconciliations. Sometimes I feel that the spirit of these ladies and others will not rest until we seek forgiveness and national reconciliations.

May we as a nation take care and look after those who have served, those who have toiled night and day in this country, those who have been spared and many who have passed their three score and ten years. May we show them love and respect as they face their twilight years so we may in time if our lives are so spared will become worthy of the same love and respect.
Today we remember the Eventide Home Fire and those ladies, those Jamaicans, Children of our enslaved forefathers who lost their lives in a most brutal and cruel manner.

May their souls rest in peace.

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