Wednesday 6 May 2020

The NWC Wave Is Here!!!

In keeping with its steadfast commitment to stand by its valued customers and to implement positive and practical measures that will cushion the un-avoidable economic and social dislocations that have resulted from the onset of the Novel Coronavirus, COVID 19, the NWC will be offering a thirty percent (30 %) discount to customers in the condominium and residential categories. 

This strategic offer which should have a far reaching beneficial impact, especially on the poor and vulnerable is available to customers whose debt to the NWC is more than ninety (90) days old and will last for a period of three (3) months beginning Wednesday May 6.

Previously, the NWC had implemented a wave of measures as an essential partner in the national initiative to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus. These were:

No disconnection for customers who are in arrears
No disconnection for late payments
No late payment penalty fee

The 30% discount however represents the biggest wave of support to our customers at this time and was done to ensure that no Jamaican is denied the use of potable water due to financial constraints.

President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NWC Mr Mark Barnett underscored the importance of the 30% discount. He noted that “the NWC understands the vital importance of water especially at this time. We are sensitive to the needs of our customers, especially those who might have lost their jobs or those who are on the PATH Programme and this measure is a tangible demonstration of the empathy towards those customers”.

Meanwhile, customers who are eligible for the discount are strongly urged to take advantage of the assistance. Through the implementation of the facility, the commission seeks to balance the aim of ensuring that no-one loses supply of the vital commodity as well as the need to prudently manage its revenue stream.

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