Sunday 21 March 2021

A Sad Story Of A Couple Who Cannot Enjoy Some Peace!!!

The following is a message sent to me by a concerned Jamaican who is unhappy that an elderly couple cannot enjoy a quite and peaceful moment in their home:

The Town Of Mandeville

Retired Couple Cannot Live In Peace

Dear Mr. Darby, I am writing to you on behalf of a retired couple living at in Mandeville,  Manchester. They are both golden agers and both are afflicted with medical conditions. I was told of the situation that these old folks had to live under daily. I drove to the location. The place is just across from Ingleside to the South East. You will appreciate it is a nice neighbourhood. 

Car Mart In Residential Area

But living there is far from nice for the couple who has been enduring for years the nuisance of a Car Mart and an automotive garage  in full view. It is approximately 45 feet across from their bedroom Window. 

Hell Broke Lose

On Sunday, March 14, there was a incident at the said premises. Reports are that hell broke loose when a customer returned a vehicle that was bought some time before. The vehicle was said to be defective and money was not forthcoming - it was 'Pandemonium at the Car Mart'.

Disturbing Man With Heart Problems

The elderly gentleman has in a pacemaker and his only escape from the chaos was to seek refuge in a room on the far side of his dwelling. Mr. Darby, as you are aware we are living in a society that is daily descending deeper and deeper into lawlessness, and the people and institutions put in place to uphold the law are in some cases breakers of the law, there are no checks and balances. 

Mandeville Without A Mayor?

Sir, the truth is, it's the first time in the history of Mandeville that we do not have a Mayor. I speak without apology. There is no decency in Manchester Parish Council and no respect for upstanding citizens. If you doubt the sincerity of my words Mr. Darby, just look at what is transpiring at the New green round-about as we speak. A garrison is been erected and the authority has turned a blind eye.

Back to this couple's dilemma, enclosed are copies of letters that has been delivered to the relevant office/offices, to date no response. Attached are the letters, a video and two snapshots. Please protect my identity all because of the New green Roundabout issue, politics at play.
God bless you Mr. Darby.

Video of the area

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