Saturday, 27 March 2021

Minister Audley Shaw's Voice!

Minister Audley Shaw,
Minister of Industry, Investment
and Commerce
Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Audley Shaw in the government of Jamaica, no longer has that booming, baritone sounding voice. Jamaicans have therefore been asking why Minister Audley Shaw's voice has changed so dramatically?   Yes he is loved and that is why persons are asking. He is extremely witty and he can move from a serious point to having his audience in stitches in a minute. There is never a boring moment when Minister Audley Shaw speaks. 

Minister Shaw has had four surgeries over a three month period last year. His vocal cords were damaged by the tubes that were placed down his throat during the surgery. He has been having therapy and his voice is gradually improving.

Minister Shaw says that he gives God thanks and remains hopeful that his vocal chords will continue to improve. We wish him all the best.


  1. This is a FACT. Thanks for this. Spread positive information far and wide. We Jamaicans love too much suss.

  2. Thanks for the information. I was wondering what happens to him.

  3. Thank you for the research and the time taken to update us as we were really concern about his voice and health.
    Keep up the good work.


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