Sunday 14 March 2021

Tasting Delicacy - The Visionary View


Hopeton O'connor Dennie

It came to past that an officer wanted a taste ...

To take care of his face

A facial of a strange nature

It did stimulate his stature ...

Women on facebook are requesting his service

The police Comish thinks his conduct is of a disservice  .. 

Conduct,  the Comish does refute ...

Saying he has brought the JCF into  disrepute.

So tasty was the dish ....  he licked from his finger

Ice cream which did linger ....

It could not for him be any tastier ...

Tasting under the table ... is not illegal

Even if not seen as morally regal ...

He is now a most wanted officer ...

Go for the demand as you dish out ... that which you have to offer.

You are the best ...

With flying colours you have passed the tasting test ...


 Note: Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is a veteran journalist poet, elegist,  & satirist. He also has international exposure. He is also a supporter of my radio programme and he calls sometimes to share his knowledge.

This poem was written against the background of a video which went viral. This video showed a police officer in uniform, engaging in very intimate interaction with a woman who was not his wife.

Note that if you record intimate activities with someone which is intimate, when you give out you phone or your computer to be serviced, technicians will copy your videos and share themt with others. Your partner can also use such videos and picture as bargaining chips!

If you know you have confidential things on your electronic devices, then make sure they are completely wiped from your devices before giving them to another party.

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