Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Nasty Behaviour Is Nasty Behaviour In Any Form - Vernon Derby

Being Selective About What Is Right Or Wrong

Jamaicans have been very selective about the things we condemn. What we condemn oftentimes is clouded by which party we belong to, which school we attend, which church denomination we attend, whether we are a male or a female and the list goes on. 

We must condemn all wrong things if we want to build a fair and just society. We tend to threat somethings as if somethings are more wrong than others. Something is either wrong or right. There is no half way between right and wrong. Christian would say make your choice, hell or heaven because there is in between.

Too Many Things Are Wrong In Jamaica

Many things are wrong in this country. From big things such as Corruption, murder, abusing your spouse, down to urinating anywhere and everywhere and also dropping garbage all over the place. This country needs fixing now. Sometimes I believe not only is a virus here called Covid-19 but also one called the evil spirit. We probably need to find a vaccination for this evil spirit virus. 

A Nation Of Hypocrites

The challenge is, a lot of the times those who lead us do not have the legitimacy to tell us what do do and what not to do, because they are are not following their own advice. This is a country of hypocrites especially at the leadership level. In Jamaica the thief will condemn the rapists, the rapist will condemn the homosexual and the homosexual will condemn someone for having too many children.

Today I looked out and look and I saw, a man pissing on the JPS light post! Can you imagine you are passing with your child by the light post and that child puts his hands on this light post and then put his hands in their mouth.

Living In A Culture Of Nastiness

We are indeed, living in this culture of nastiness and it is touching all us. A nastiness of corruption, crime and abuse which is tearing us apart. Yesterday the culture of nastiness and indiscipline resulted in the crash of a bus killing five persons on the highway, a father shooting his son in Papine,  in St. Andrew at his business place, and a man being killed in Spanish Town. I am sure there are more incidents.

This week the news has been taken up with the alleged beating of a woman by a member of parliament. What's new? It seems as if  women and men are perpetually at war. Over the past few weeks, a teacher was found murdered in Sandy Bay after being adducted by criminals, a young lady was also found allegedly murdered by a taxi driver she knew. The DPP told a heart wrenching story of a mother who tore her own child's vagina apart so the boyfriend could penetrate the little youngster. An evil spirit has certainly taken over this beautiful country of yours, Jamaica, Land We Love. Demons must be here!

The picture below shows what we are doing to this beautiful country of ours. We are literally pissing all over it and we wonder who can do something about it. Who will stop it? Where are the leaders? Where are you?

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