Saturday, 10 April 2021

Getting That Covid-19 Vaccine

Jamaica Started Off Well Dealing With Covid-19

Jamaica has certainly not done badly with the Covid-19 pandemic when compared to other rich countries. In the beginning, we did a good job controlling our borders and updating the public. Where we have failed, is our failure to implement stricter protocols with server penalties if such protocols are breached. Many Jamaicans seem to have taken Covid-19 for a big joke.

We started out well when we would not allow Jamaicans from off those cruise ship to come into the island until we had things set up to manage the Covid-19 challenge. We seemed to have changed course when certain sectors of the society started to make plenty noise. There were a few noise makers in the diaspora in the USA when the then President Trump allowed the virus to get out of control. He himself ended up getting the virus.

The People Do Not Care About Covid-19 Protocols

We the people of Jamaica, continued to have the parties, the nine nights and the funerals. I have been told of parties kept in some very remote areas. I remember that famous case when the police went to apprehend a man at Helshire and he treated the officers with disdain. Well the police as some will say, didn't wild him and the gentleman ended up spending a few nights at her majesty's hotel. I will not forget also that police officers were stoned and tax payers vehicles damaged because the police officers were trying to stop an illegal party.

Warned About The Health Sector Becoming Overwhelmed

We were also warned that at the rate the virus was going and the fact that we were not exercising proper control, our health sector would eventually become overwhelmed. Some of us couldn't care less and when we could not get though at the hospitals we became irate and we took to the airwaves to  blame the members of the medical profession. Some even directed the trained medical professionals publicly as to how they should have treated a patient.

NIDs Could Have Played An Important Role

I have preached the National Identification System sermon for many years. We still have that challenge of not having a National Identification System. This I believe would have gone a far way in assisting the authorities to monitor the movement of persons especially when there is a curfew which are intended to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus. 

The Problem Internet Registration Site

We knew early in the day what to expect when Covid-19 hit Jamaica, because we saw what was happening in other countries. It is clear for example that the system to register persons to take the vaccine, was developed late in the day. It must have been very embarrassing for the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton, when the registration module went live and the system was not ready for it. There were also errors on the site and one was left with the impression that proper user testing was not done.

The site was taken down and nothing was displayed showing that the site was being updated. As far as I know, no one was held accountable for that blunder. A new site went up and I found out that the drop down box for the selection of vaccination centers was not populated properly. Adjustments had to be made again.

After the site was prepared for the registration of persons over 75 years old, persons realized that the site was not able to accommodate the registration of persons under 75 years old. It was clear to me that those who were programming the site did not benefit from a thorough system analysis before coding. 

Registering For The Vaccine

After a few ups and downs, the site was ready to accept registration. There was another limitation though, and that is you could not make changes to your registration. If you needed to change to another day, then your original booking would be abandoned and you would end up with two bookings. 

I eventually registered online and arrived at the National Arena in Kingston for my first shot on April 10, 2021. When I arrived, I was told that the centre was closed. Yes closed - closed after I arrived in time for my 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm booking. The police and the security guard at the gate told me that I had to go to the UWI for my vaccination to be done.

Getting That Shot

UWI Covid-19 Vaccination Centre

I reached just in time at the UWI to get my first Covid-19 shot. I am almost sure that other persons who did not drive and therefore could not to to UWI had to head back home without being vaccinated.

After getting my first AstraZenea shot at the UWI, I came to the conclusion that the so called online registration system was a farce and a complete waste of time for us. It must have cost a significant amount to develop and to implement this online vaccination registration system. I found out that those at the UWI centre, had no idea of finding out who were or were not registered. I understand that this happened at the National Arena and that is what caused some persons not to be vaccinated due to more persons turning up that expected.

I had thought that with the registration system in place, those who manage the system would be able to track those who registered. The managers of the system would then be able to see who received the vaccine or not. A computerized database system of those who have taken the vaccine would mean that there would be no need to walk around with these little books. Will we need these little books when we travel overseas? Will these little books become our vaccination passports? Will we need these little books when we travel overseas in the future?

After getting my vaccination, I sighed to myself. We might get the first world technology but we will still implement things the third world way!

I forgot to ask! What happens if  persons lose their little vaccination booklets? For some reason I see trouble up the road. I really hope not!

I Am Alive!

The good news is I have taken the vaccine over five hours ago and I am still creating this post so I am still alive!!! It is now 2230 EST. By the way, I am still looking out for the side effects but it seems as if my body has put those aside? Time to go to bed.

Before I go to bed though, I must congratulate all those on the ground staff for doing a wonderful job. Those medical students, doctors, soldiers at the UWI centre - you all did a great job and I hope you are getting a good sleep now.

Video: Vernon Derby speaks about Covid-19.

It seems to me to

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