Thursday, 22 April 2021

Large Party In Majesty Gardens During Covid-19 Curfew

Dr. Angella Brown-Burke, MP

Persons continue to keep parties all over the country even though we have regulations against large gatherings. It is clear that many do not take Covid-19 seriously and have no problem passing on the virus which is killing others.

On Monday for example, there was a big party in Majesty Gardens. The police tried many times I understand to deal with the situation but there were irresponsible citizens on look-out advising others when the police officers were nearby. As soon as the police party left the area the party was started again.

Last Monday when police officers went into the area to deal with the situation, residents started to throw bottles and stones at the police vehicles and the police had to call for backup. Reliable sources informed me that at least three persons were arrested. I also understand that in the milieu that followed, other party goers were injured resulting in at least on person being taken to the hospital.

We need to use drones to patrol those areas at nights and take pictures of those who are breaking the regulations. Some persons need to be taught a lesson that they will never forget. In this country, too many persons are literally getting away with murder.

Majesty Gardens is one of those areas where there is a high incidence of electricity theft. Residents are therefore able to have parties 24/7 and not worry about the cost of electricity. Legitimate uses of the electricity have to pay for what these residents who consume electrity 24/7 for free. Jamaica needs some order now and citizens must call on the government to act now. We are going down a road which does not look like a pretty road at this time.

MP Angella Brown Burke while we must be understanding of the plight of those who are poor, there is no excuse for antisocial behaviour. Something has to be done so that all of Jamaica understands the need to have law and order. Our political leaders cannot turn their backs on what is happening in these depressed areas which oftentimes become a reservoir for political votes at election time. We cannot build a country this way. The clock is ticking away and the bomb could explode at any time.

Note: One gets the feeling that we are giving the police basket to carry water!

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