Thursday, 15 April 2021

Tufton Instruct UHWI Board To Appointed Independent Panel To Review Jalisa McGowan Death

KINGSTON, JAMAICA, Wednesday, April 14, 2021: The UHWI has been directed to provide a more detailed review of the case involving Miss Jalisa McGowan and to implement corrective actions. 

This directive has come following reports submitted to the Ministry from the Andrews Memorial Hospital and University Hospital of the West Indies. The review of these reports has shown that there is a need for interventions to improve patient flow and to ensure prompt recognition and treatment of patients with severe manifestations of illnesses.

The Ministry expresses its deep regret at the passing of Jalisa McGowan who died of asthma-related complications having visited the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) last month.

The Ministry has held discussions with the Board of Management at the University Hospital, the executive management and the Accident & Emergency Department; and the Minister of Health & Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton has instructed the board to appoint an independent panel to lead a further review of the case and the implementation of corrective actions related to patient flow and treatment.

The Ministry awaits the completion of these actions in order to provide additional information to the public.

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