Thursday 15 April 2021

Waiver Of Contract Carriage Licensing Renewal Fees

Based on the recent announcement made by Dr. The Honourable, Nigel Clarke, Minister of Finance and the Public Service, during the 2021 Budget Debate Presentation in Parliament on March 9, 2021, the following decisions have been made for the current licensing period 2021/22:


  1. Current Contract Carriage Licensees:  Renewal fee – $15,600.00, the Government pays 100%.


  1. Only current holders of road licences up to March 9, 2021 will qualify.


  1. All applicants with outstanding tickets will be required to settle these balances before they can qualify.


  1. Qualified applicants who have already paid, may request a refund from the Transport Authority. (Refund application forms will be available at the Transport Authority’s offices across the regions).




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