Sunday, 11 April 2021

Woman or Man Beater?

Couple Party Together

These days when you listen to the discussions it seems as if there is a constant war between men and women. There was a time when men and women made love and now they make war. Fights seemed to have replaced sex. Years ago a man went to look for a girl and escorted her to the party. Now, the boys go together and the girls go together. When they reach the party, the men dance on one side and the women on the other. 

The part of the discussion which is unsettling is that many are now jumping on this band wagon about women beaters. So what, you have never heard about men beaters? Let' us not be sexist and believe that only men can do certain things and women cannot do it. The woman can do what the men do.

Female and Male Role Has Changed!

There was a time when men got up and gave the ladies a seat on the buses for example, especially if the ladies were pregnant. Men use to open doors for ladies and allow them to go in front when entering a room. Ladies would be served first at the table at a hotel or a restaurant. There was a time also every women felt the need to give tender loving care to our men folk. Women made sure that your clothes fitted properly when you go out with them. They would be constantly fixing your shirt collar or some other places whether it needed fixing or not. I notice these days that persons get into arguments against their spouses in a group. A woman would never counter the argument of her husband in public nor vice versa. Oh how things have changed. The good old days now certainly look very good.

Women Are Now Equals Or Are They More Equal?

Women are now able to do many things which were thought to be a man's job. Yes it is wrong to have men who beat woman and then be called a woman beater. It is also equally wrong for a woman to beat a man and then we see the woman as a star and the man as a worthless man. Like it or not, you have women who are men beaters. There was a time when we believe that it was men alone who were promiscuous but not we are learning that quite a few men have had to be wearing the jackets given to them by their spouses. This has come to light when fathers migrate to the USA for example and then file for their children. It is only when DNA tests are done to ascertain paternity scientifically that it is discovered that your father is not your father but your father didn't know!

Who Is The Beater?

Where it becomes interesting is when both men and women are in a fight and you can only decide who is the beater after the fight. For man, it is a difficult one. The man cannot live with the thought of being beaten by a woman and to win the fight he could be seen as a woman beater. 

Woman beater or man beater is wrong in even in these madern days. Once upon a time men and women were lovers and things have changed. The Women have fought for equal treatment but I am sure we would never put a man and a woman together in the boxing ring. The only ring a woman and a man should get into, is the Lovers Ring.

The world is a really mixed up place. We beat up those of the opposite sex but we treat our same sex differently.

We had the industrial revolution, we had the days of slavery and years to come, what we will refer to these days as?

Is the man being beaten or it is the woman who is being beaten in this video?

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