Wednesday 5 May 2021

Elderly Gentleman Gets Wheel Chair

Lloyd McKenzie

The following message was received from a listener:

A heartfelt thanks to Vernon Derby the host of  'At Your Service' on Nationwide FM Radio. Through his efforts I was able to get a wheelchair for Lloyd McKenzie who resides at Ginger Hall, in Manchester.  Lloyd McKenzie got a stroke in 2018 which has affected his legs so he is unable to walk.  On my trips to the country to look for my mother I would stop by Lloyd McKenzie’s house to chat and pray with him. In one of those conversations he expressed to me that he would love to get a wheelchair to assist him to move around.  I offered to help and immediately ask around.  This was some 8 months ago and today thanks to Vernon Derby I was able to deliver the wheelchair to Lloyd McKenzie last Sunday and to see the expression of joy!   Thanks again Vernon Derby.  Big up... Bless up....Thanks.

From: Vinela Hurge



Thanks to my friend Gussy Clarke the well known record producer for making this gift.

If you have things around the house or the office that you want to give to someone then send me a text message to 876 816-5261.

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