Monday, 10 May 2021

Heavy Gun Fire In Middle Of Mid-Day Traffic On Waterloo Road.

Citizens are reporting that there is heavy gun fire on Waterloo Road in Kingston. Persons are reporting that at least one criminal was killed.  A voice mail received states that Robert Fletcher runs a business across from Diabetes Centre on Old Hope Road. He was killed and his firearm and money stolen a short while ago. The gunmen fled the crime scene and police caught up with them later at Devon House on Waterloo Road.

Persons report that at least one of the gunmen has been killed.

This information is coming from persons on the ground and I cannot confirm the accuracy.

Scene on Waterloo Road by Devon House

Video of shootings


  1. Lord have mercy on your people. Jesus please deliver us from all the evils around us.

  2. What is this country coming to... seems the criminals really out to take full control


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