Friday 14 May 2021

Political Volcano In St. Vincent & The Grenadines About To Erupt?

Dr. the Hon. Godwin Friday
President NDP
The National Democratic Party (NDP) in St. Vincent & The Grenadines, in a release on May 8, 2021, said that like most people in the country, it is extremely concerned about the profoundly disturbing matter of the shooting and beating of a man just over three weeks ago and the involvement of a Senator and a senior public official and a third person as alleged assailants.  

In the release the names of some high profile persons were mentioned who were alleged to be linked to the brutal attack on Cornelius John a senior citizens on April 13, 2021. The NDP says that it is calling on Commissioner of Police, Mr. Colin John and Director of Public Prosecutions, Ms Sejilla McDowall, to conduct an impartial, transparent investigation and to bring charges against the alleged perpetrators of this attack based on the evidence.    

Dr. The Hon. Ralph Gonsalves
Prime Minister

The release went on to remind Prime Minister Gonsalves of the unwanted and malicious re-arrest of then Senator Vynette Frederick by a party of male police officers immediately after the case brought against her had been dismissed by the court.  The release also reminded the government of the assault and arrest of NDP candidate Mr. Ben Exeter for carrying his licensed firearm concealed in his waist. 

Note: PM Ralph Gonsalves is the longest serving Prime Minister, since independence.

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