Monday, 24 May 2021

Transport Sector Running Out Of Gas - Thursday Is D-Day!!!

Minister Robert Montague
Commuters could be in for a rough time on Thursday if transport operators decide to withdraw their services then.  A lot depends on what the Minister of Transport, Robert Montague says in the house on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Transport operators have not received an increase in fares for a long time and many say that they are facing tough economic times, especially during this pandemic period of Covid-19. If the minister does not give any positive indication that a fare increase will be granted, then commuters could find it difficult going about their business this Thursday and beyond.

President of TODSS (Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services) Egeton Newman,  had a consultation over the weekend which was aimed at looking at the way forward to deal with the pending crisis in the transportation sector. TODSS not only consulted with its members but also persons in other sectors of the private sector and consumers.

Egeton Newman
President of TODSS

The meeting was told that many Jamaicans are disgruntled with the level of service in the industry. It was pointed out that the persons who give the sector a bad name, are mainly illegal operators. There is a an organization in Jamaica which says that it offers a service similar to that offered by UBER internationally. This organization apparently is willing to work with the transport sector to improve its service and brand. This organization has offered to ensure that only reputable persons become a part of the transport sector. 

The meeting was told that there is a need to have a formula worked out for setting fares for the transport sector. This could be similar to that used for the price of gasoline. Transportation fares could therefore be reviewed half yearly or annually.

The feeling is that the public is not sympathetic to an increase in fares at this time, due to the bad experiences commuters have had with the system. Some transport operators felt that the system needs to be re-branded and found they found favour with the suggestion that a premium service be offered similar to that offered by the JUTC. It was suggested that with proper branding and the offering of a premium service similar to that offered by the JUTC,  the public would probably react more favourable to a price increase.

Many operators felt that it was unfair to ask person to invest in a sector and then ask them to hold back on a fare increase for so many years in a free market economy. If the sector  is not properly funded then many feel that they would not be able to give a good service. Due to the low return on their investments and the need to improve their returns, the result on the roads is a 'dawg eat dawg' situation. It is a fight to to 'eat a food'!

Government is concerned about inflation but the inefficient operation of the sector will no doubt add to inflation. Reports are that fares have not been increased in over 16 years. The opposition party is not expected to support the transport operators in their bid for fare increases due to the expected political backlash from the electorate. The operators seem quite aware of the negative things working against them.

Already the operators have started to make moves to improve the quality of their services and their brand. A number of operators are now being trained as first responders who should be able to give basic support to persons who need medical help.

The position of many members is that they are not just fighting for an increase in pay but consumer can expect a better service.

JUTC Buses


  1. Its a pity our transport system is so lacking because if it was up to par..more people would be using it and we would not have the clogging up of the system on the roads. Everyone wants to own their own car because they refuse to be held at ransom by the system. In this covid time..its not a good time for any increase..lots ofpeople are without their jobs now..pls be considerate.

  2. Much of the craziness in the transport sector is caused by the fact that transport owners are subsidizing the sector. Which other sector have gov control on earnings but inputs to make it work have no control.
    If you have ever travelled overseas and take public transport or taxi the fees are way higher. The fees have becomr a political matter, transpirt operators get basket to carry water.


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