Tuesday 15 June 2021

Are We Withholding Information On Some Crimes?

I find it suspicious that it takes so long for information on some murder cases to be made public. You will recall that this blog mentioned the killing of of William Dewar long before it was in the public domain. William Dewar was murdered on Monday Afternoon, June 7, at

Commission of Police
Major General Antony Robinson

Oakland Apartments near Constant Spring. Many persons heard it first on this blog on Tuesday afternoon. The story did not make it in traditional media until about Thursday June 10. 

Now another business man has lost his life from last week Thursday, June 10, and this is just hitting the news today June 15. He is Mr. Gerald Wight a retired business man. Is there a news block on on these things? One newspaper says the police is unsure of how Mr. Wight lost his life.

Well the police needs to interrogate every close member of  the Wight family thoroughly and others close persons to the family. Questions such as did anyone break into his house, was anything stolen, how he was killed and approximately what time he was killed. I am sure that if the police can get answers to these questions, then they will find out who the killers are, or the killer  is. 

Interesting days are ahead. By the way there were two killings in the Mountain View area yesterday. Have you seen that in the press?

Related Stories:

Probe into Beverly Hills mystery murder.


  1. I wonder...... still awaiting news on double murder 7yrs & 7mnths ago in St. Thomas

    1. Please text me the information on that to (876) 816-5261

  2. That is one of the many reasons why people can't trust the police.

    1. I would not blame the police for that because they do not run a news agency.

  3. I would not blame the police alone. It seem some media ppl wait at their desk till the police issue a statement. Initiative Is lacking on the part of some of them


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