Wednesday 30 June 2021

Bill Cosby To Be Released Reports New York Post!!!

Bill Cosby

The New Your Post is reporting that Bill Cosby will be released from prison after  Pennsylvania’s highest court overturned his sexual assault conviction.

Cosby has served more than two years of his 10 year sentence. He could have been released early but Cosby who maintains his innocence refused to participate in any form of sex therapy. The report stated that there cannot be a retrial. 

Bill Cosby has been a household name across the world as a comedian and an actor.


  1. Let go the man yes, these lickke lickke girls go around seducing rich men for their money and when they don't get what they want, that call rape.

  2. Free Bill, lots of respect for being true to yourself, you said you didnt do it,you will not go to their rehab, you now free, respect.


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