Thursday 24 June 2021

Dr. Arscott Talks About Covid-19 Today at 0900 Hours EST

Dr Ramon Arscott, Rhodes Scholar and a son of Jamaica will be my guest from 0900 to 0955 EST. He will talk about Covid-19. This is a programme not to miss. Dr. Ramon is in high demand internationally as a speaker.

He is an outstanding Jamaica who has achieve quite a bit as a young doctor.

Listen at Nationwide Radio.


  1. This young man is a shining star

  2. I listen to the interview and it was very good and I learned plenty

  3. I dub him "Top Awareness Ambassador" for covid-19. He made it sooooo easy to understand and appreciate all the science which is usually not 'friendly' to the ears of the man on the street.
    Excellent interview. Thanks Mr Derby & Nationwide.


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