Wednesday 23 June 2021

MP and Parish Councilor At The Same Time!!!

Cannot fold yu hand
on dis one
Mr. Golding

If you have a week heart in this country you cannot last a day. There is hardly a day that passes and it is not another excitement. Today I had my own excitement and I nearly had a heart attack.

I could not believe it when I found out that two members of parliament are also members of parish councils! I will not call the MPs names at this time because I don't want this discussion to descend into the  political party gutter politics. That means these MPs should be getting two salaries because they have two positions in representational politics each! Would funds be allocated to each of them as  MPs and also as councilors? 

Mr. PM yu didn't know?

We already have the situation where local government does not enjoy the autonomy that it ought to enjoy. Also, one is not sure these days what is the role of an MP and what is the role of a councilor. Sometimes I feel that the parish councilor is the MP's water boy. 

I would love to hear from my legal friends if this has ever happened in any other commonwealth county?

Hopefully our MPs can take a break from fighting for seats and fight for the integrity of the system - right Mr. PM and Leader of the Opposition?

Note: I received information from a member of the Cabinet and also a senator who is a lawyer. Both agree that when you are elected as an MP if you are a councillor then the moment you are elected as a MP, you are no longer a councillor. A mayor disagrees and says the regulation to end the term of a councillor the moment he has been elected as an MP has not come into effect.


  1. Politicians seems to believe that the parliament belongs to them.

  2. Most councillor are answerable to their Member of parliament and cannot instruct themselves

    1. Councillors do not answer to members of parliament, they answer to the people who ejected them. They work along with the MPs.

  3. I am a odenary citizen, my opinion that the resource center which big ceremony is been held for an opening by members of parliament and the outline purpose,from that date nothing which was said materialised, do a survey and you will get the full picture

  4. Some years ago there was a Kingston based MP who rented hos house to the government in order to provide housing for a rueral-base MP. Great! This house was then refurbished ay great expense to suit the new occupant.
    Meanwhile another house was rented to house the Kingston-based MP, whose house was extensively refurbished at taxpayers money, and for which he receives a healthy rental. Nothing has changed

  5. You touched on something which is a pet peve of mine. Autonomy, why ppl in st Elizabeth have to wait on someone in Kingston for a pot hole to be filled.
    Presently councillors are impotent, they can't do anything. They should either become autonmost or the system scrapped


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