Thursday 1 July 2021

Rojjah With a New Hit - Typical Jamaican

It seems as if Typical Jamaican was written by Wilburn Henry, specifically for Rojjah. His distinctive tone backed by the pulsating reggae rhythm is a piece of Jamaica that will take the world by storm.

Word on the ground is that Rojjah will be the new lead singer for the Toots Hibbert band. This song which I am sure will be a part of his repertoire is sure to take the world by storm.

Rojjah is one of the most versatile performers in Jamaica and he is capable of delivering various genres of music flawlessly.  He does an excellent interpretation of many of Bob Marley's songs and with his energetic performance he is capable of holding his audience spellbound.

Rojjah is affiliated to Artistes For Change.

Click to play Typical Jamaican

Share this blog with your friends overseas and let them enjoy a new Jamaican music performed by Rojjah - the music which you introduced to them first. They will remember you for this.

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