Thursday 3 June 2021

This Is A Most Horrendous Act!!!

This video below might upset you, so do not open it if you cannot deal with the sight of serious cruelty to an animal. It shows a gentleman setting a cat afire in front of some children and then allowing the  cat to run away. This could have created a massive bush fire or this cat could have gone into a house and cause a family to lose their house.

You might wonder what kind of mind would do that sort of thing. I believe that it is the same type of minds which are responsible for the over 1,000 persons being murdered annually in Jamaica. I wish someone could identify where this happened and who committed this horrendous act. Can you imagine if we lived in a society where if you did that to an animal or to someone, then the same thing would be done to you!

Please add your comments and encourage the police to track down this person.  This is cruelty to animals. This person probably would have no problem doing this to a human being.


Unknown said...

No man these person's need to find and face the full force of the law

Unknown said...

That's wicked

Unknown said...

This is really a wicked act. That is y men even setting women on fire and don't care. Evil spirit live in them.

Unknown said...

These people are heartless

Unknown said...

That's a very sick man.He needs help.

Nzingha said...

Not going watch it.. I will be too upset. Jamaican people must be the wickedest people on the earth. I swear

Unknown said...

It is really heart wrenchng however this is where we are our people have become heartless

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Took the caution of not looking as I was diagnosed with PTSD, however a person being so cruel is not adopted in their hearts and mind they were born evil

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Sorry to hear about your challenge. Are you getting help.

Unknown said...

Omg very disturbing.

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