Monday 28 June 2021

Vernon Derby Converses With Dr. Ramon Arscott About Covid-19

This complex topic has been broken down by one of the most brilliant minds to come out of Jamaica and one who is an excellent communicator. Some persons say that the WHO should have used Dr. Arscott as a spokesperson to motivate more persons to be vaccinated against this virus.

Click on the poster below to listen to the conversation.

Many persons in the world are still not abiding by the various protocols which are intended to reduce the spread of the virus. There are many conspiracy theories which have had a negative impact on the acceptance of the approved vaccines in various countries. 

In Jamaica, the indication is that there is wide acceptance of the drug astrazeneca but the government has had challenges getting supplies of the drugs to satisfy the demand. The economy has literally come to a standstill due to the spread of the virus.


  1. I listened to the interview and totally understood Dr Arscott. Also astrazeneca is not a drug. The drug is the vaccine made by AstraZeneca.

  2. Dr. Arscott broke down the COVID-19 virus so everyone can understand. Pity the anti vaxers and the ideots in Jamaica are not interested in the truth.

    1. Please share this blog with your friends and encourage them to share it. Follow my blog.

  3. Good morning Mr Derby. I am not impressed with the weather advisory coming out of the met office. This is the second weather system taking us by surprise. The government need to do something about it.


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