Saturday 12 June 2021

What Happened - June 12, 2021

Killing At Coronation Market

I just got a report that a man was killed in a car park close to Coronation Market in Downtown Kingston today. At that time there should be plenty persons around so hopefully the police should be able to crack this case.

I have not heard any word from the police on this matter as yet.

Accident Corner of Molynes Road and Fairdene Avenue

This afternoon there was a loud bank near Ackee Walk off Molynes Road, similar to what you would hear when a JPSCo transformer explodes.  This happened in Kingston. One vehicle was heading in a southerly direction on Molynes Road while the other was heading in a westerly direction on Fairdene Avenue. At this intersection you have buildings and walls on Fairdene Avenue which makes it difficult to see what is coming from the North on Molynes Road. There is a stop sign for those coming down Fairdene Avenue and oftentimes in order to see what's coming on Molynes Road, motorists have to almost go to the middle of Molynes Road. There have been many incidents of motor vehicle crashes at that location.

One of the vehicle was driven by an Executive of JPSCo and the other by a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Thanks to the police office Junior Roswess who advised the drivers by phone what were their options in dealing with this incident.

Tall Trees In Many Areas

The hurricane season is here and there are some very tall tress in some areas. The trees seen below in these pictures are in the Queensborough area off Molynes Road.

Trees Near To JPSCo Lines

This tree seen here next to the yellow house, is very close to the JPSCo lines. If the residents start to cut the tree limbs then the limbs could fall on the lines and electrocute the person who is attempting to cut back the tree. When you have a tall tree like this close to the JPSCo lines you must contact the JPSCo immediately.

Train Students To Follow The Rules When You do Not Abide By The Rules!!!

Under the governments Disaster Risk Management Act, there are rules to follow which includes how many persons are to be at certain locations at one time. One television station showed us on news last night that a significant number of students were in one location at the Merl Grove High School in Kingston.

The chairman of the board, the principal and also the chaplain of the school who were at the school function speaking need to make some public statements. Persons are quite concerned that when other persons are in breach of the Disaster Risk Management Act, then they are loaded unto trucks and taken to a police station.

News Clip From TVJ

Police Shooting 

Report of Police Shooting near to NCB in Halfway Tree Today.

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