Friday 11 June 2021

What's Happened - June 11, 2021

JPSCo Payment Locations Island wide.

Remember to get you mobile JPSCo app now.

Cut Back On Trees Now

This is the time to start cutting back you trees and other tall plants because the hurricane season has started. If the trees are near to the JPSCo power lines, then you should contact the JPSCo first before attempting to cut back those trees. A limb of a tree coming too close to a JPSCo line could spell disaster for for someone.

Paying Your Bill

If you pay your bill using your JPSCo phone App then JPSCo records will be updated almost immediately. You therefore do not need to contact JPSCo, to inform them of your payment. On the other hand, if you use one of the payment agencies,  it could take four hours or more for the payment to be reflected in JPSCo's Account. If you pay through an agency on a Friday for example, then the  payment probably will not hit the JPSCo system until the next working day. In this case it would be best to contact the JPS and advised them that you have paid your bill.

Make sure you let JPSCo has your cell number and also your email address so the they can not only send you your bills electronically but keep in touch with you.

Legal Matters

Consumers should understand that if you go to any medical facility  and the medical professionals, due to actions on their part have a negative impact on you, then they can be sued for negligence. This means that you would have to take civil action.  If any member of the staff deliberately cause any harm to you while being treated at the facility, you could have a case of criminal liability which would be a police matter. 

May Pen Cemetry

Pay a visit to May Pen Cemetry with Burger Man.

Adding Father's Name 

Every child should have a mother and a father. Find out how to Add Daddy's Name to the child's birth certificate.

Gun Man Hold Up Garbage Collectors

There have been a number of criminal incidents in the Golden Triangle and specifically on Clieveden Avenue. Criminals have entered homes and held up persons in their homes.

Recently some NSWMA workers were held up while carrying out their work. It is just amazing that gun men can hold up these workers who are at the bottom of the pay ladder to steal what they have.

Video Of Incident On Clieveden Avenue

1 comment:

  1. This man is insane. It appears to be Lay Magistrate Court


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