Saturday 26 June 2021

When A Young Police Woman Lifted Up The Nation!

We are aware that there are bad police officers in the Jamaica Constabulary Force but in recent times, we have certainly seen a number of police officers going the extra mile to assist citizens having a challenge. I remember seeing that video of the Commission of Police stopping to help a bike man who had met in an accident. Last year a lady who stopped by a police station to get a short nap ended up sleeping until early in the morning. She was shocked to find out that a police officer was keeping watch over her all this time.

We must admit that many times the police have done their best to lift us up and the police woman seen in this video below is certainly lifting up a poor old gentleman.

Have a look at the video below which shows a petite police woman who lifted up an old man and was taking him to the Covid-19 vaccination centre. This police ended up lifting up the Jamaica Constabulary Force and also lifting up the nation.

Thanks to the citizen who offered to help her also. There is enough good in this country to over power the bad.

Click Here To View The Video.


  1. Give that police lady a Bells. I am glad you have recognized her kindness.

  2. This is heart warming. Brought tears to my eyes. THIS is indeed a ray of HOPE. Kudos to the officer. Do we have any award for humanitarian efforts/behaviour? She deserves one & more recognition.

  3. One way to recognize her is to share this post with as many persons as possible. It will also inspire others. Thanks.

  4. I cant stop the tears, oh my, this is service. Thank you for sharing this and big up to this Cop and to know it was a female it's just amaizing.


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