Saturday 19 June 2021

World Sickle Day - June 19, 2021

Today is World Sickle Cell Day and many persons in Jamaica have to live with the sickle cell disease. If both of your parents have either the sickle cell trait or the disease itself, it is very likely that they will have a child or children with the disease.

Before you start having children, you and your partner should take a blood test to see if you have the sickle cell trait or you have the full blown sickle cell disease.

You should also have your new born tested to ascertain if he/she has the sickle cell trait or the full sickle cell disease. It should be noted that 1 out of 150 babies in Jamaica are born with sickle cell.

I invite you click on the following links and to read the blog articles attached to those links:

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