Thursday 1 July 2021

Breaking News - Health Sector Back To Normal Tomorrow

I just obtained information which indicates that the meeting between the Minister of Heath along with other ministry officials and the Jamaica Medical Doctors Association, have come to an agreement. Normal operations therefore at all government health facilities will resume at 0800 hours EST tomorrow, July 2, 2021.

Minister Tufton, the man who has been under intense pressure for over a year now can sigh a brief sigh of relief tonight. Why brief? There could be other hurdles tomorrow and remember that Covid-19 is still in residence. We should also bear in might that many are rejoicing that July 1 was emancipation day and that could spell more troubles.

Very reliable sources have said that the agreement is for all doctors on 6 months or 1 year contracts to be upgraded to 2 - 3 year contracts effective today. Some have already been made effective and for the others, this will be dealt with within the next three weeks.

Outstanding gratuity will be paid by the end of August. First in an increment of 30% then 40% and finally 30%.

For the 143 doctors without work, a needs analysis will be done in order to integrate these doctors into the system.


  1. Yes it sound good but we have to remember that the virus don't gone anywhere and we know our Jamaican people easy to get out of control.Well I hope everyone still wear they Mask and follow the rules.

  2. Thank God there is a sigh of relief, I have confidence in Dr Tufton and his team, I know he would reach an early agreement with the J.M.D.A good job


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