Friday 9 July 2021

US TV Host Says Grandmother Told Her To Wash Up Yu...!

Jamaicans take a little bit of Jamaica with them wherever they go. You cannot afford to miss this video in which a television host tells you what her Jamaican grandmother taught her.

Her response is hilarious. 

Click  The Picture Below To Hear What Her Granny Said.


  1. Wow 😆 and people love to hear the accent.That was funny.And true 😆

  2. My mother taught me that too and I passed it on to my daughter. Nothing strange about that. 😄

  3. She actually says "wash up everything" including the panties.

  4. Hilarious.
    Americans take them off and put them in the laundry.
    It's the fast life in America you don't even have time to wash out the panty when you take a bath/ shower


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