Saturday 10 July 2021

We Must Reduce The Number Of Murders Now!!!

With the high crime levels going on for a  over 40 years now, it is clear that the Jamaica Constabulary Force is under severe stress. Tonight again there was heavy gun fire in Duhaney Park in Kingston, Jamaica. Police are now in the area and my On The Ground Reporters have reported that at least one person has been killed. His identity is unknown and it is not clear why he was killed.

The government needs to take more decisive actions to effectively eliminate the number of hostilities in the various communities and consequently reduce the number of murders. It is my opinion that if the police have to continue to function in this violent atmosphere with the high incidence of crime, then this will negatively impact on how the Jamaica Constabulary Police Force deals with ordinary citizens. 

Already many citizen have started to accuse JCF members of atrocities that they have not even committed. We can expect a further break down in the police/citizens relationships in the country. New strategies must be employed to deal with the crime. Can we learn from the Covid-19 measures?

More and more citizens are taking things into their own hands. Suspected criminals have been stoned, chopped and some eventually have died after citizens have delivered their own form of quick and swift justice.

Our leaders must find a way to send fear into the hearts of these criminals. Many of these criminals need to be removed from the society permanently. Some of these criminals are not just criminals but domestic terrorists and they should be treated as such. If we cannot manage the crime then those responsible for managing the crime must step aside.

As of July 3, 2021, we have murdered 720 persons in this country. There could be others that we are not even aware of. It seems that we are heading for a record this year in 2021? we have moved from 63 murders in 1962 to 1323 in 2020 and it seems we might hit 1500 murders this year. (See Police Statistics)

We need to have a number of special sittings of parliament to deal with crime and the time to deal with that is now.


  1. We need to get the Israeli to teach our police force intelligence gathering. Next the sentencing in the courts does not frighten the criminals. We should start with 50 years for posession of a firearm

    1. Strict firearms laws mevervwork on Jamaica it works in disarming decent law abiding citizens and arming criminals to the teeth.Remember indefinite detention at the Gun Court "painted red because it dread" in a time when 70s murders never passed 350.What has been happening is we have built rapidly a lucrative Crime Industry 7% of GDP.Pieceal thinking will not work holistic thinking works.Think with me 1,000000 squatters,400,000 unattached youths,the black masses 98% of the population own no more than 5% of the Jamaican economy,the 10th lowest level of literacy in the Caribbean at 87%,STEM literacy no more than 15%.SOEs can't solve the crime (any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment)problems either because MOST JAMAICANS US ARE CRIMINALS.This realization and mass reeducation is a must.Check it if we are honest I am a criminal and you are also.Your favourite politician,parson,police,teacher or businessman could be criminals not being caught.I just finished driving more than 30 mph in a built up area so I am a damn criminal not being caught.We have to reach a stage where we will be policing ourselves as the 12000 JCF members along with 6000 JDF personell and 70000 security guards in the legitimate side of the industry cannot monitor the estimated near 3 million of us many in the illigitimate side of the industry.Think on these things readers and let us make a civilized and Gold medal Jamaica Society for the right reasons.

  2. As you say we need a covid19 approach to deal with it


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