Monday 12 July 2021

What's Happening July 12, 2021

Top Up The Gas In Your Vehicle?

There is a poster being circulated on social media which is shown below, stating that the Jamaica Gasoline Retailers Association (JGRA) is advising  persons not to top up their gas tanks because if they do, this can cause an explosion.  This is something that many writers on some reputable Internet sites have advised against albeit for different reasons.

Take a look at this article below at the link and while we should not believe all that we read, I find the article very interesting. I would certainly like to get a reaction from the JGRA.

Filling your gas tank to the maximum.

Transfer of DSP Mandeson

I understand that the Officer who was involved in that controversial interaction with Minister Everald Warmington recently, DSP Mandeson, has been transferred to the Hunts Bay Police Station. No one knows if the officer was transferred because of the incident since officers are transferred periodically. Some persons are linking the two. I would suggest that DSPs are rotated every two or three years and this would eliminate the suspicion surrounding the transfer of cops.

Back to that infamous interaction between the cop and MP Warmington. I must admit that if you have an MP and the Officer in charge of an area who cannot get along, then this would be an untenable situation. One has to go and you know who will have to go! 

The police will also have a problem taking action against persons such as political leaders, members of a gang, community leaders and other persons who have strong support at the community level. You remember the challenge that strong man Zeeks posed for the state when he was detained, and also Tivoli Gardens Don, Dudus? You could face some serious challenges if a cop attempt to arrest or detain a popular MP! Oh yes, I know that you will say that Jackass sey di worl' no lebel. Well if Jackass knows that.....

My suggestions to police officers is not to get into, nor allow yourself to be drawn into an argument with leaders of the state who are your bosses. This brings me to the point where I believe that we need to have a system where if a political leader behaves in a matter which  is out of line with the Code of Conduct for an MP (Is there one?) Then there should be a committee of parliament to  deal with the matter. If the MP is found guilty, then that MP could be asked to vacate his/her seat. Criminal and other charges could then follow. 

It is not advisable especially in a small country like Jamaica, for members of the security forces to be able to arrest any MP. This could lead to a crisis in the country. The officer should however be able to ticket the MP for an offence.

Some persons might say why a police officer should not be allowed to arrest a member of parliament? Can you imagine if the police decides to arrest a number of parliamentarians just before elections? Oh yes it has happened before. Can you imagine if the parliament was to vote on an important issue and two MPs are detained by the police and those two votes could have change the decision of the parliament?

National ID???

The implementation of the National ID is going at snail pace. Making it voluntary as I have said before, would make the system a big waste of time. In that case all criminals would opt out of it because they certainly would not want you to have their biometric information. I understand also that the new law allows you to withdraw from the system at anytime and your information would be wiped out - ridiculous! 

Traffic Ticketing System

We are pushing for the implementation of the new Road Traffic Act. Mark my word, without the implementation of a National Identification System and a fully computerized ticketing system which will blocked you from doing certain legal transactions when your ticket has not been paid for, the system will be just a grand waste of time. If the system is not designed to remove some of these crazy drivers off the roads who use their motor vehicles as weapons of mass destruction we are heading no where.

Note: Please add your comments to the blog, share it with your friends and relatives and ask them to follow my blogs. Keep me informed of what is happening by sending a text message to (876) 816-5261.


The worst form of enslavement is self-enslavement. It is enslaving your mind to petty thoughts and associating with petty people.

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