Saturday 7 August 2021

Buju Banton Speaks!!!

Buju was given a heroes welcome and red carpet treatment when he came back from the USA as a deportee. He was invited to enter the Jamaica National Festival Song Competition last year and he won. Some persons felt that their entries were abandoned because the Festival Song organizers had caught the big fish.

His most famous speech after the Festival Song Competition ended, was about telling persons not to wear masks. This did not go down well with his fans.  In his monologue below, Buju speaks about the woman's locks which was reported in the news media as being cut off by a police office. More than likely Buju does not know the full story about the case. He speaks about many other things in this monologue.

He makes sense sometimes and therefore many will listen to and follow him. My opinion is that something is wrong, definitely wrong. May he find the peace he is looking for because I believe that he is looking for peace, and he is looking for love. Those around him need to help to guide him rather that become enthralled by his mesmerizing lyrics and seemingly mystical personality.

Buju is a great artist but he needs help...he needs help now or his talents will soon be wasted. He has been used and now he is like a spent shell.

Always remember that when you are up your friends are unlimited but when you are down your friends will disappear. 

Will Buju rise again? Let's pray for him and wish him well.

His Speech:


  1. He's definitely unwell. But his close friends won't tell him. They gonna milk all they can by being associated with him until he's no more. He needs not only medical help but you can also see that his hygiene is t top notch. I'm sorry to see what has become of the gargamel. But being locked away for 10 years could break the best of us.

  2. I agree that he desperately needs help.


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