Tuesday 24 August 2021

Business Man Johnnie Chen Has Died

Johnnie Chen, popularly known by his friends as Sinjai, of Spalding Bakery and Spalding Garage in Spalding, Clarendon,  succumbed to the deadly coronavirus on Monday, August 23, a few days after being diagnosed.  He was first admitted to the nearby Percy Junor Hospital but, as his condition worsened, on Sunday, August 22, he was transferred to the Mandeville Public Hospital where he died.

Mr. Chen was a very accomplished businessman and a graduate of Knox College. He and  his younger brothers, Anthony, Alfred (died in the year 2000) and Alvin took over his late father's bakery and garage in the 1970s. Over, the ensuing years he establshed himself as a prominent member of the business community in Spalding and its environs. He later diversified the business operations by the addition of gas stations, heavy duty equipment and a wrecking service.

Twice married, Chen is survived by wife, Jeanie and two daughters, Charlene and Racquel. His first daughter, Lisa, predeceased him in 2017. He is survived by brothers, Kingsley, Anthony, and Alvin  as well as a number of  sisters, including Sonia Chung and Barbara Chung Sang.

This well loved Knoxite was in his early 70s. News of his untimely passing spread like wild fire first in Spalding, the Knox College community and then nationally and internationally. Persons from across the diaspora, in neighbouring towns located in  Clarendon, Manchester, St. Ann and Trelawny have been calling,  there has been an outpouring of grief for a man who most describe as having been very kind,  easy going and soft spoken. 

It is not yet known whether an autopsy report will be ordered. No announcement has yet been made regarding funeral arrangements.

Reports coming to us is that the hospital in Spalding where Mr. Chen was ailing is under severe pressure due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases. There is now a shortage of ventilators at that hospital. Based on reports that I have received, the hospital might not be able to deal with future more serious cases of Covid-19.

#KnoxCollege #Spalding


  1. Has an autopsy been done on any COVID-19 cases? I am sadden by his demise. Don't remember him, but I remember his dad and 2 brothers from Knox. My sincere condolences to his family. May his soul RIP.

  2. Deepest condolences to his family and friends 💔💔🙏🙏🙏

  3. COVID is REAL! Was he vaccinated?

  4. Condolences to the loved ones he leaves behind. So sad.

  5. My sincere condolences to the family...He was a true leader..A father to his girls and a great community member God bless his soul...


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