Monday 23 August 2021

Corona Virus - Are We In A Crisis And What Are The Solutions?

Are We In A Crisis?

The question is, are we in a crisis as far as Covid-19 is concerned? We had 879 confirmed cases and a positivity rate 43.9% on August 22, 2021, which I believe is the highest confirmed cases in a day since Covid-19 reached our shores. We also have accumulated cases of 62,712, 1402 Covid-19 deaths since last year. Active cases is 13,140 persons. What s interesting is that only just under 10% of the population has obtained the full dosage of the vaccine (Amount vaccinated. ). Click HERE to see the statistics for Jamaica.

Cut Out The Bureaucracy

Many have complained that the developed countries are not sharing the vaccines with the poorer countries. Yet, now that we have the vaccines in Jamaica, we are talking nonsense about targeting children and we are not saying to the adults come in and take the vaccines also.  Let's give the vaccine to whoever wants to take it, while encouraging those who have a fear of taking the vaccine, to take it.

Mr. Tufton the time is now for us to have a team of about three persons managing this crisis so that you can now concentrate on policy matters. These persons should be able to work with the various ministries, the private sector and citizens to mobilize the nation to deal with this crises which is deteriorating.

Let everyone get the vaccine at this stage. First come, first jook...anyone want a jook, gi dem di jook...yes jook dem wid di Covid-19 vaccine and lets SING!. Those in the government sector with there bureaucratic approach to getting things done, need a good dose of vaccine against stupid bureaucracy. The Delta Covid-19 strain is here and it does not ask you if you are an adult or a child, it will just grab anyone in its path.

Get Other Professionals To Assist With The Vaccination

Dr. Winsome Christie
President - Pharmacy Society
Of Jamaica

The pharmacists are ready to assist with the vaccination and so are private doctors, retired nurses can assist also. Why all this bureaucracy about who can and who cannot give vaccines. All we need to do is to ensure that  persons given vaccines are registered in a national database. Get Dr. Christie the President of the Pharmacy Association of Jamaica to get her members on board to administer the Covid-19 vaccines.

The time is now to get on the ground and do house to house mobilization to get more persons to take the vaccine. This will cost money and therefore some government entities should take a break for a year and their staff and budget used to deal with this crisis. I am thinking of entities such as the JCDC, CHASE and the SDC.

Deliver Online Customer Service Now!

Government and the private sector need to ensure that as much as possible, services and goods can be purchased on line. We must also ensure that we can service our customers fully on line. Many organizations are already doing significant business online. Covid-19 stay with us, could be longer than expected. The JPS new App is a great initiative to follow.

I have said it before that learning does not have to be via the internet. We can develop offline teaching packages which students and adults can utilize. 

I believe that we have reached crisis stage. We have used up the Covid-19 bed spaces in the hospital, from reports received, our health workers are breaking under the stress, the country has gone back to lock down days.

Have Customer Service Day For The Elderly

I am making an appeal again for Mondays from 0900 to 1200 de designated as The Elderly Customer Service Time.  

Develop Offline Education Material For All

Teachers are now out. We could use the teachers to develop offline educational material for the children. Contrary to what some might think, education can be delivered offline and we do not have to have access to the internet in order to deliver courses.

More Readings:

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