Sunday 22 August 2021

Covid-19 - Our Nation Is In Crisis!

The Crisis Is Here

Louis Brown
It is clear that the country is on the brink of a major crisis. The positivity rate of covid-19 is 44.1, today August 22, 2021. Over 500 more persons have contracted the disease while the day before it was over 700. The Covid-19 delta strain is here, students have not had face to face classes in over a year now, the economy is struggling and with all of that, only a small amount of persons have been fully vaccinated. What will happen when we can no longer accommodate our Covid-19 patients in the hospitals!!!

The government must make some decisions now which can effectively control the spread of this dangerous virus. The crisis is here and the time to make tough decisions is now. The people of this country must cooperate or else a significant number of us will not see next year.

The government has to stop the dilly dallying. We need to educate and explain to the people how serious this crisis is. Those who fail to comply with the protocols have no right to put the rest of us lives at risk and also to take up space in our hospitals when they contract Covid-19.

Today I received this voice note from Mr. Louis Brown who lives in Westmoreland. He is now fighting to keep his family alive. Listen to the voice note below:

No one knows how long this crisis will last and no one knows how much more persons will contract the disease and die. One thing we know for sure, and that is, now is not the time for intellectual discussions about what are the solutions are because time is not on our side. 

Follow The Directives Of The Police

Members of the medical profession are working night and day to take care of those in our hospital. The Jamaica Constabulary Force members are trying their best to get us to follow the protocols. Those who will not listen must feel and we must allow the officers to do their jobs. It was distressing to see one woman on TVJ news tonight trying to fight three police officers who were doing their jobs. What was even more distressing was to hear other persons who were encouraging the accosted woman not to corporate with the police. The police officers should have prosecuted those who where inciting this vendor.

We love to talk about the police not being professional but it is a disgrace to see how some of our women behave these days.

Click HERE to see the video of the police trying to apprehend a woman.

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