Sunday 15 August 2021

Brilliant Covid-19 Story Teller!

Meet Jamaica's  newest and most talented performer. He is excellent at story telling and if you are a believer in great stories, then this one is a story for the big screen. This one would make an award winning movie.

I hope that someone discovers  his incredible talent!

Let me know what you think of this great talent. What stage name would you give him?

This is an incredible story considering that 15 more persons have lost their lives as a result of Covid-19 yesterday in Jamaica!!!


  1. He's on spot, i agree with everything said, i say he should name be name "Motty Perkins junior".

  2. Well he speak his mind that's freedom.Everyone has a choice all of us are free moral agent.May God help us to do the right thing

    1. Speaking your mind does not mean speaking the truth!!

  3. Mr Wrong and Strong...just can't fix stupid....

  4. I am vaccinated and I ain't laughing.... So time will tell who has the last laugh..

  5. ��story teller? BASED on what he said:
    *The FDA hasn't approved any covid-19 vaccine.
    *Gene therapy is what the vaccines r being used 4.
    *No one can b legally mandated 2 take the vaccines.
    these r tru comments.
    I would call him 'The keen observer'

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I believe him. He make sense even though I am pro vaccine...this emergency Covid 19 vaccine looks suspicious.

  8. He make real sense and i dont classify what he said as no story but real facts

    1. You have to speak from facts not from hearsay, in order to make sense.

  9. Social media is giving everyone a platform to talk total nonsense. Seventy percent of polio cases are asymptomatic and less than 1% get paralytic polio. Of course there is herd immunity but is that worth it? That's 30,000 people and one of them could be you or your loved ones. Clot risk with COVID-19 is over 20%. Like many others he has got his information from you tube and is now convinced. Youtube uses algorithms to feed you more of whatever you watch.


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