Wednesday 11 August 2021

What Happened August 11, 2021

The Prime Minister Continues To Appeal To Citizens

Covid-19 is again taking off like a rocket while persons complain about the fact that they are not able to go to parties. The cry is loud for the government to open the doors for the parties but where are the loud voices for opening up our schools for education to take place? We are more concerned about having a party rather than our children getting a good education. What a ting!

Persons seemed to be more scared of a vaccine which has a few side effects and which has been tested by scientists across the world than being scared of a virus which will make you feel excruciating pain and great difficulty breathing before you die.

The vaccine is free now and one day you will have to pay for it. Many prefer not to take the free vaccine now rather than  end up with some massive bills later on.

Some Covid-19 Bills!!!


Remember that if you die your debts do not die with you. Your relative will inherit them.

Tourism Sector and Covid-19

Will The JDF Have The First War On Its Hands

The maroons are ready for war. Will the JDF take them on and if the JDF wins the war, will the state capture those fighting maroons as prisoners of war. I found it funny when I saw the maroons armed with their drums and their President was armed with this shot gun. What would happen if the police had fired a few shots. Well the maroons would have lost the war.

This man was armed and ready to protect his people if external forces had attacked his local security forces. The external forces had to beat a hasty retreat!

Commander In Chief Of The Maroons??

Fire At Palladium?

If you have any information about this fire then send it to me. This video was sent to me but with little information.

Portia Simpson Miller Square  Is A Dangerous Place!!!

Why would qualified and experienced engineers design the road at Portia Simpson Miller Square like this, with this high wall in the middle of the road? I understand that a few cars have ran into the wall on the left already. This is certainly a death trap. Have a look at the pictures below:

The Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr.

The Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. was my guest on At Your Service today.


  1. Whether maroons or not, the police and the state must respect the right of the citizen. We don't want another Coral gardens. The government don't own us.

  2. The people should also respect the state which represents us all. We cannot have a state within a state. So the Maroons were suppose to have a central bank and now they seem to have their own security force!!!


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