Monday 9 August 2021

What Happened, August 9, 2021

Chancery Hall Residents Protest


Citizens protested at the National Water Commission (NWC) plant this morning August 9, at the foot of Chancery Hall in Kingston. Residents from Michigan Avenue protested against the dust nuisance in the area. The road condition is also deplorable they the citizens report and this is aggravated by the heavy duty trucks which load water in that vicinity. 

I have been informed that the NWC has taken note of the demonstration and citizens feel that their voices have been heard. They are now waiting on a response from the NWC.

Residents demonstrating in Chancery Hall

Prime Minister Visits St. Mary

The Prime Minister of Jamaica visited Western St. Mary to have a look at some of the projects there. MP and Minister, Robert Montague was proud to update the PM on the various projects.

Prime Minister Holness in St. Mary

Spanish Town Again

The following message was sent to me:

"Good day Mr. Derby, this is the current situation on Burke Road in Spanish Town. Every time rain falls this is how it looks. I am sure Mr. Norman Scott had come on your programme some time ago and advised that the drains would have been cleaned in Spanish Town. Seem as if he forgot about Burke Road."

State of road in Spanish Town when it rains.

Man Says Thanks

From I was a child I have enjoyed doing voluntary work. It started first in church, then I continued doing voluntary work at high school, college, university and in the communities where I have lived. I have been given the privilege for over 11 years now to assist more persons who contact my radio programme on Nationwide 90 FM.

One gives of one's self because one gets satisfaction without expecting thanks. When someone turns around and show you appreciation, then it is like icing on the cake. Listen to the recording below which was sent to me by Peter Cockette.

Peter Cockette says thanks.

Breaking News

The Prime Minister will be addressing the nation at about 1830 EST about possible new Covid-19 measures.  We called for the parties and we got the parties. Now Covid-19 is now having a bigger party. Schools might not be reopened as a result. It seems as if parties come  before education? The voices were loud for parties to open up but how many voices are calling for schools to open up?

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