Saturday 11 September 2021

Artistes For Change Pays Tribute To Karen Smith

Karen Smith, a sweet soul whose voice for many years trilled the Jamaican audience and audiences overseas. She is what many regard as a sweet soul, who always greet you with that welcoming smile which would morph into a mischievous grin, and then out came peals of laughter.

She was at home with any Jazz or reggae number and she knew how to deliver her package to her audience. She always had her audiences eating out of her hands. Many will remember her distinctive voice in that Grace Tomato Ketchup advertisement made many years ago. 

Artistes affiliated with Artistes For Change, are artistes working to promote good international Jamaican music. music to uplift the spirit of the people. We now pay tribute to a great Jamaican performer, Karen Smith.

Freddie McGreggor

RIP Karen, you are forever in our hearts we love you.

 Rojjah Mendez

A race well executed,

A clear path other could follow 

You did your best karen 

Well done 

Nuff salutations

Rest well.

Althea Hewitt

I am grateful and will cherish the time I spent in her space. Karen always had a smile from her heart each time I saw her. Pleasant and bubbly. She booked me for several shows at the Hilton Rosehall Resort on the North Coast back in the day when I was doing Cabaret. Thank you. She was an inspiration to me and many and when she performed... What a lady she was. I loved when she performed my favorite "Die with my dignity". Karen you were the best of us. My love and condolences goes out to the Jackson family at this time. Karen 'til we meet again, sleep in heavenly peace.

Roy Rayon

Karen you came 

You made your mark 

In a way only you could do 

Thanks for the great work 

Thanks for blessing us with your voice and your charm...  rest well

Latty Guzang

Sista Karen, your contribution to the industry is invaluable. And, one bright morning when our work is over we must fly away HOME. Your  wonderful WORK is done, so fly away HOME my sista, RIP.

Vernon L. Derby

Karen like a flower she bloomed one morning

And the world admired the beauty

The scent of the flower permeated the air

The bloom lasted but for a time

It's now evening

The flower has faded

The beautiful scent still remains

The bees will have to find another flower

To make more honey so sweet

Sweet Karen Smith, Rest In Peace.

Memories of Karen Smith


  1. Omg 😳 so sad 😢😢🤔 always a beauty to listen to her songs wooow 😳 my deepest condolences to your family, friends and the world wide 😢🤔 lovely lady 🙏

  2. Rest well Karen, you have made an indelible mark in this world.


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