Thursday 23 September 2021

Children Should Be Treated As Adults For Certain Crimes

If the fine for not wearing a mask is JAD200,000 I wonder what is the fine for wearing a mask! I would like to to know if someone passes Covid-19 to someone else deliberately and that person dies, would the person passing on the virus be charged for murder? So we feel that because a youngster is not an adult he should not be charged for a crime? Mark my word the gangs are getting smarter and soon they will ensure that children carry out acts of murder for their gangs.

Some persons have written to me stating that they have a right to do what they want to do with their bodies. I wonder if that is why we feel we have the right to destroy the life of an unborn child? That child's body apparently belongs us? What is funny is that they feel that they have the right to tell me that I should not say anything about their behaviour because they have a right to to do what they want to do with their bodies. Well I have a right to say what I want to say with my month, so long I do not say anything that is libelous and I do not incite anyone to brake the law. 

If we believe that we should have the right to do what we want to do with our own bodies, then why is it if we attempt to commit suicide we can be charged by the police? Since we should have the choice to do what we want to do with own bodies, then we should be free to tell a doctor when we want to end our lives.

Finally when youngsters break some laws they should be treated like adults. A 17 year old not wearing a mask knows exactly what he is doing. If the parents cannot train their children to obey the law, then parents should pay for their children when they commit certain crimes.

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