Sunday 12 September 2021

Creative Minds Working Together Can Beat Covid-19

I listen to the talk of modern day Jamaicans and I am shocked at how many of us think. I wonder what has happened to the spirit of our forefathers which should be in us?

Our forefathers were taken from Africa and across the Atlantic Ocean in the holes of ships and only the toughest were able to survive that journey. We have been though slavery, World war I and World War II, Gilbert and others and some of us behave like we cannot defeat a virus called Covid-19!

Today many of us are graduates of universities and I am surprised at the type of conspiracy theories that we have about Covid-19. Many years ago when the majority of Jamaicans were illiterate one can understand when persons believed that birth control was devised to kill black people and NIS stood for SIN and thousands in the 1970s came out to see this three wheel coffin with a John Crow on top asking for Mr. Brown.

We can fight this virus, but we just organize ourselves and be disciplined. Many of us are anti-discipline and the only thing we will achieve with this approach is chaos. Just look at what was achieved with the creation of this video by young people working together with creative minds:

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