Friday 24 September 2021

Sex & Relationships - A Forum Put On By TLC2

ZOOM Forum

Transforming Lives and Communities through The Learning Curve (TLC2) will be putting on a ZOOM Forum this Saturday, September 25, 2021, starting at 1830 EST  (6:30 pm  Jamaica time). You could be in a relationship for a long time or just getting involved in one, or you are not in a relationship at this time. Come and join us and learn from others. It will be an experience you will never forget. 

Come and hear from a Dr. Karen Carpenter -University Lecturer, Rodney Campbell - a broadcaster, communications consultant, Kemar Whittingham - Comunity leader and business man chaired by popular talk show host on Nationwide Radio - Vernon Derby

ZOOM Meeting ID and Password

Please note the information below for logging on to the webinar:

Zoom Meeting Website:

Meeting ID:  813 1527 4758

Passcode:  431897



Transforming Lives and Communities through The Learning Curve (TLC2) is a charitable organization that aims to educate frontline workers and the public on effective domestic violence interventions and advocates for an end to all forms of violence. 

The team has decades of experience in developing and delivering workshops and seminars and has been formally registered as a charity in 2019.  Our training and Awareness programme, # ‘Enough is Enough’ is being supported by the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport (MCGES) and has been engaging government, civil society, and community-based organizations to better intervene in incidents of domestic violence. 

 Directors of TLC2

The Directors of TLC are Novelette Grant - former Deputy Commissioner of Police, Sharene McKenzie - Development Practitioner and Oberlene Smith-Whyte - former Superintendent of Police.

Novelette Grant - Director

Oberlene Smith-Whyte - Director

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