Wednesday 8 September 2021

The MLSS And You - National Insurance Scheme

The Ministry of Labour Social Security and You Live.

Learn about National Insurane Scheme. Listen the radio progamme by clicking on the link about and you could find out that there are benefits that you are entitled to that you were not aware of. Listen and you will learn why it is very important to be a part of the National Insurance Scheme.

Many persons don't realize that even if you are not working, you can make contribution to the NIS. Those who employ helpers, gardeners and others in their homes, are not even aware that they are to pay NIS for their workers.

If you artye a head of an organization then please forward this blog to all your staff.

Contact Information:

  • WhatsApp - 876 850-9498
  • YouTube - Ministry of Labour and Social Security
  • Twitter - @mlssjamaicamlss
  • Facebook - @mlssjamaica
  • Instagram - @mlssjamaica

Note: A number of persons who contacted me to say that they would like to get my blogs. I am therefore appealing to you to share my blogs especially those blogs with information that can benefit all. I am planning to purchase a distributing software and create a database for those who would like to get my blogs. This will cost money. Let me know if you will be willing to contribute financially so that I can improve this service.  The following are needed:

  • A Website and this would require someone to set it up.
  • Someone to help to create a database and communicate with persons who have complaints.
  • A phone which can accommodate more WhatsApp messages
  • Film and audio editing software
  • Mass mailing services

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