Sunday 26 September 2021

What's Happenng, September 26, 2021

Nastiness A Way Of Life In Papine - The University Town!!!

It is amazing that we have the KSAC, we have a police force, we have councillors and we have members of parliament yet have a look at the Papine Market in Kingston. Covid-19 is still with us and I wonder what will join Covid-19 soon? You will notice that not only the rats are facilitated but the mosquitos are also welcomed. We need a sign at the Papine Market which says, 'Human beings are not welcomed' or one which says, ' Human beings enter at your own risk'.

Trouble Brewing At A Government Organization

At an online nine-night for a staff member of a government agency where the permanent secretary, board members and other officials were in attendance, the staff used the opportunity to vent their feelings at the management of the organization.

It was an embarrassing situation but my information is that the staff are very frustrated with the situation there and the recent audit reports have indicated that all is not well at this organization. The Prime Minister is aware of the challenges at this organization and he should address it as soon as possible because it could become another embarrassment for the government. The following is one of the many messages of protest posted on ZOOM during the nine-night:

A Close One For AYS Supporter

On Tuesday, Sept 21, 2021, at 2:45 pm at the intersection of Cowper Drive and Washington Boulevard, reports are that a driver failed to stop at the stop sign and the vehicle which was being driven, rammed into another car which had the green light to go.

Video And Pictures Of Accident

That Diplomatic Passport

Persons are saying that before one gets a diplomatic passport we should ensure that the holder of the passports is aware of how to behave in a diplomatic manner especially when they are overseas and they are representing Jamaica. Reports are that some holders are not aware of what diplomatic behaviour is all about. Those who make decisions as to who should get diplomatic passport should due their background checks first. It is not just about the hype. 

Let us see how long that diplomatic passport remains in hand!


  1. I remember one politician statement that jamaican politics is all about nastiness and corruption,its now bearing fruits.

  2. You forgot the full statement referred to,slackness,nastiness and corruption now bearing bitter fruits.We've got to find a better way.


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