Sunday 5 September 2021

Withdraw Oliver Samuels Video Sent Out In Error

Oliver Samuels OD

Jamaica's leading stage performer Oliver Samuels, made a video about Covid-19 and he made an error about the number of persons who died in one day.  I have been reliably informed that he will be making a correction soon so please do not circulate this video. Thanks.

Note: Please share this post with all the persons who you sent the Oliver Samuel's post to, about Covid-19. This information sent out in error could grow wings and create confusion here and overseas so your assistance in this regard  is very important.


  1. Wow! Already sent it out. No big thing, Oliver is a comedian. People will understand. 🤣😁

  2. People will understand but it could become international news, Fake News.

  3. I never even listen to the numbers...I listened to the message. Theta what is important.


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