Sunday 3 October 2021

Accusations And Denials Involving Rape, Where Will It End?

Elaine Lim

Social media have been bombarded by comments about two very popular videos. One posted by Elaine Lim and the other by Richie Stephens. This has to do with a case of alleged rape which Miss Lim says happened in Australia when she was on tour. Richie Stephens has rejected the accusations staying that Miss Lim presentation in the YouTube video was a staged presentation.

What is clear, is that this story is not going away any time soon. It will be on the radar for sometime because there is also the story about Tanya Stephens who declared in a video that she was also raped by a well known reggae artiste. Tanya did not say who the popular reggae artiste who raped her, and this has set tongues wagging and the rumour mills working overtime.

Richie Stephens

These stories are not only creating strong feelings in Jamaica for and against the individuals mentioned in the controversy, but also creating strong feelings in other countries. Today someone claiming to be a diplomat sent me a message from a country in  Asia. This person is very concerned about these stories. Other persons here in Jamaica have also reached out to me.  One  person who reached out to me is the product of a rape. Try to swallow that one, and take it even further and you will find it impossible to swallow - it was a child who was raped!

I am not here writing about this matter to make any judgement call. My concern is that the state will have to step up its efforts to encourage persons to come forward and report cases of rape. We need to encourage family members to report cases of rape when it happens within the family. Both the victims and the perpetrators need to be assisted and dealt with. The challenge with some rapists, is that oftentimes it is not a one off thing but they continue to carry out this cruel act on others and they continue to get away with it. For the victims it is not something that you can forget about. The sad thing is that the society believes that only women are raped. Young boys and young men also have had that awful experience but that is usually kept a top secret.

Tanya Stephens

Some of you might also have seen that video with Tanya Stephens talking about her experience of being raped as a youngster. I hope that CISOCA will reach out to Tanya and Tanya should speak to the police for these reasons: 
          1. We should not allow this rapist to live amongst decent people.  
          2. Tanya, you would  not want what you said happened to you to happen to another woman. 

Accusations of Rape and rape itself are serious things. It can impact the innocent person who has been accused in a serious way and also if the rape did happen, the victim can be scarred for life. It should be noted that this matter has now grown wings and I would not be surprised if some artistes find out that their visas have been withdrawn by some countries  in the coming days!

Tomorrow during At Your Service on Nationwide Radio, from 0830 to 1000 EST, we will take a look at the impact of the allegations on getting visas or rescinding such visas. Interesting days are ahead considering that all of this could end up  with some artistes not being able to perform in other countries.

I am suggesting very strongly that a poll be conducted to find out what is the incidence of rape in Jamaica and the impact that it is happing on the victims and the society. We should also get from the respondents, recommendations to deal with this dehumanizing act carried out by depraved members of the society. Please show your concern by sharing this post and adding your comments. Show that you really care for those who have suffered at the hands of rapists. 

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, for years the issue of sexual exploitation and rape has tarnished the Music Industry in Jamaica. The worst part about it, some of the industry players are aware that this is going on and condone it. As a result we have a lot of female artistes with good talent but is being held back because they don't want to sleep with persons in higher position to give them a 'buss'. It's about time this is being addressed publicly so this kind of 'slavery' can be stopped once and for all.


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